This was a great article I recently read and shared on my FB page from the Huffingtonpost.

The article and credits are fully intact.

I loved Slyvia’s response to this article, from the FB post:

We have a huge family photo in our living room. Once it fell, back hanger came off, and I remember my daughter kept asking when I was going to hang it back up. You could tell she was very proud of it. We finally got it back up and she still talks of it. The light I see in her eyes when she looks at it and tells me that is her family. Of course we have lots of small family photos around as well but that one stands out because she hated when it fell and was so happy when we got it back up.

I love this article and agree wholeheartedly. Children want to belong, to see they are treasured. Heck, I even have a lot of love and pride when I see our family photos. They are very special”.

Thanks Slyvia and give your daughter a hug from me!



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